Saturday, December 18, 2010

Let's Skate!

Who knew that you could go ice skating in Tampa? This year Curtis Hixon Park has an ice skating rink, and Matt and I took the middle school HUB for a fun afternoon. Here is the whole group at the end - note the 20 girls and 1 boy...story of the middle school youth group's life.

Monday, December 6, 2010


This past Friday night I kidnapped 22 middle school girls with the help of 3 fearless high school leaders. It was my second year to do it and I definitely felt more confident this year! The kidnapping was a complete surprise to the girls. We rushed into their house with sparkling reindeer ears and told them that they were coming with us for the best night of their life! That night we made gingerbread houses, played games, and watched Elf. The next morning we joined the church in serving a brunch for the homeless and hungry. Here is a group of girls from the night - eager to start off a game! I do a bible study with this particular group after school on Fridays, also. It was a night to remember!